A stuffed bear named Pocket helps another stuffed toy find joy, in this book about second chances from #1 New York Times bestselling author, Katherine Applegate.
Thimble-born from tip to toe, Pocket Bear remembers every moment of his becoming: the glimmering needle, the silken thread, the tender hands as each careful stitch brought him closer to himself. Born during the throes of WWI, he was designed to be a mere 3 1/2 inches tall, perfectly sized to fit into the pocket of a soldier’s jacket, eyes sewn a bit higher than normal so that he always gazed upward. That way, glancing at his pocket, a soldier would see an endearing token of love from someone back home, and, hopefully, a good luck charm.
Now, over a century later, Pocket serves as unofficial mayor of Second Chances Home for the Tossed and Treasured, where stuffed toy animals are refurbished and given a fresh opportunity to be loved. He and his best feline friend Zephyrina, a Maine Coon known far and wide as “The Cat Burglar,” have seen it all, and then some. But when an ancient-looking stuffed bear named Berwin arrives at Second Chances, even worldly-wise Pocket is astounded. Berwin, it soon becomes clear, is worth millions of dollars. Part of the first lot of stuffed bears ever created—then apparently lost at sea— collectors all over the world would stop at nothing to possess him. Pocket knows Berwin’s sale could solve many problems for his struggling family at Second Chances. But he also knows Berwin, comically naive and long-sheltered, pines desperately for the things Pocket’s already seen in abundance: real life, with all its adventures and trials, and true love, with all its heartbreak and joy.
When Berwin ends up at auction, it’s up to Pocket and Zephyrina to rescue their new friend from a bleak future, forever trapped in a glass display case. Real life and true love may well await. But so do difficult choices, the hardest Pocket has ever faced. An unforgettable tale of bravery, loyalty, and kindness, Pocket reminds us all that love comes in many forms (sometimes filled with fluff), and that second chances are always possible.
Contributor Bio(s)
Katherine Applegate is a #1 New York Times bestselling author who has written many children’s books, including The One and Only Ivan, which won a Newbery Medal, The One and Only Bob, Wishtree, Odder, and the Doggo & Pupper series. She is also the author, with Gennifer Choldenko, of Dogtown and Mouse and His Dog, a Dogtown Book. Katherine Applegate lives in Nevada with her loyal husband and naughty dog. You can visit her at katherineapplegate.com.